Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve...

Ok its 0710 am on the above date. I've been up and I ask Deanna, do you want to go shopping? well hecks yah, show me a woman that don't want to shop, and I'll show you a husband that does.

Well i just wanted to wish everyone out there in blog land Merry Christmas...

Best wishes in to the next year. 2012

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just sit-in here again...

I was pondering... I talked to ole Billy Bob (aka. DAD) the other day. I was telling him of my new job position and stuff like that. I was catching up on the travels of BB and boy did I laugh, and want to cry. I sure do miss the Marine Corps, I served in the Reserves from 1991 - 1997 1/2 . I would so love to be still serving I would have had been serving in Aug. 2011 , 20 years. Well that did not happen due to a back surgery in 1998 (age 28) and that is when my life ended  for the Marine Corps. I had fun, and stuff like that. I sure do miss that. I wouldn't trade many things in life, but I sure would change that. The back surgery of coarse. I would have stayed the rest of my time in the Marine Corps. Oh well look I found me a new love... Not a woman, a different Job.

Well back to the other day. I was talking to My Daddy Billy Bob.  I was telling him how that I had the holy Spit scared out of me. It was about 2 weeks ago, I was conducting Pill Call for the "nice folks" in jail. Well let me tell ya, I was evicted from my station at the jail. Ya see I was in the Newest part of the jail " The Tower". I had been there 14 months and a normal cycle for the Deputies is about 3-4 months. Well that was a far cry for a Deputy to be stationed in on area for that long. I really think that there was some people crying about me being in the Tower for so long... Well back to the Pill Call story. So I was conducting the Pill Call in R-2         ( Romeo 2 ) . I had been moved back to Romeo Pod ( an area where Inmates are kept). Well some thing had told me to look over my shoulder. I look over my right shoulder and the was standing Stepho. Man did that make my hair stand on end. I thought to my self I have to finish this dorm (R2) and I have Smith here and I'm Done. Well as usual Smith wanted to chat it up with the Nurse on the out side passing the pills to the Inmates. Still thinking, I thought I have no way out. As I looked back to Smith, I heard Stepho say," don't take your eyes off me". I thought to myself this is going to go bad. I finished up with Smith. I looked around. Well I had a concrete column to my right accompanied by a trash can . Stepho was posted right in line with those aforementioned items. I said to my self ,I will just slide side ways past the trash can and between Syepho. So I started to make my way out, when Stepho told me that he was "Jesus" ( oh my ) ...then he said"I am Jesus Christ GD, now bow to me". In my charming way I said maybe not today maybe tomorrow. As I exited Satins lair, Stepho mean mugged me. Now when I say mean mugged, If there hadn't been a door there I would have had to go hands on that guy. I talked to my partner Bates. I told him what Stepho was doing and acting, and that we needed to watch him the rest of the day. Later that day Bates and I, talked to Mental Health where they decided that it would be in the best interest of the staff to relocate Stepho. Far later in the day I talked to my Watch Commander, Major Grubbs. Major said this to me, and will always stick with me, when your Spidey scenes are going off listen to them. Now the moral of this short story is... listen to your gut.

Well I will let you good folks get back to it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

just sitting here...

On 11-11-11 I had oral surgery. I was nervous, but I made it through. I had my (4) four wisdom teeth pulled, you know there was no wisdom in those teeth. I took my Vicodin all night now I'm down to just Motrin. My jaws are hurting a little but i can sip on my coffee. Well to day I'll just be sitting around. I went out side and it was nippy and cold, I thought to my self how I would of loved to be in the woods this weekend. I have the deer fever again.

I don't know what it is but I've started reading books. They are the type of westerns. I have found It fond and causal, and when i get started I don't want to put them down. The Artur is William W. Johnstone. I sat here Thursday night and sat up till 1:15 reading to the end. On the way to the oral surgeon, I told Deanna that a new book was in order. We found a Barns and Noble store, took me forever to find the Western section. We the nice man behind the counter took me straight to them after I walked past them several times. I instructed the nice man to please label them so when I came in again I could find them again. Good book so far.

Well I know I haven't been on here in a while so I thought that I would Drop a line or two. To all my Blogger friends I will try to get caught up on the whereabouts and all that jazz later today. It is sure good to have the time to write some things...

Oh by the way I know that I am late. To my Marine brothers Happy Birthday, and to the Others Happy Veterans day.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sitting here ...

Well today is rain. So I will be sitting here, what am I going to do with myself, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. Nothing! I have the motorcycle on the tripod, I need to go trouble shoot the clutch. I will get dirty! Hold on the light in the kitchen needs to be replaced. I need to go to The Home Depot. Hold on, I can do that tomorrow. Hold on I have Dog training in the morning. What am I to do. Darn I have laundry to get done. So many choices I don't know what to do first. Well I can lick my finger put it into the cold , rainy air and see which way the wind blows. Well Just thought about that and now I think that all the stuff listed won't do it themselves, so I must complete all the task at hand. There is one thing I have learned from my dad Good ole Billy Bob, If I put it off it will never get done. So I will attempt to get it done today. Tomorrow I will see what is still left to be done.
I'll go for now...
Well I got the motorcycle clutch fixed. I needed to bleed it at the slave. took some stuff off, found the slave and the bleeder valve. pumped the clutch, opened the valve and out came nasty fluid. did that 3-4 times and filled the master cylinder 3-4 times now I have a clutch. Darn thing was engaging while at a stop. Good to go now.
Did the laundry.
Now just sitting here... what to do?
Well that light still isn't going to fix itself, better go get a electrical box.
see ya later. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

He's Back...

I see that ole Dad is back. I am so glad to see he has communication with the world again. BB sent me a message that he was going to conjure up some funny stuff. He doesn't realize how bad he was missed!  It is good to know that ole BB has the following that he has, he makes a ray of sunshine in many lives. If ii didn't know better, I would think that we are all his Sons and Daughters.

I am at work today nothing exciting going on here.

We i betters get back to work before someone of importance shows up.

Sees ya on the flip.
Little Bill Piep

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quite Day...

Today is a quite day. I just finished ironing my uniforms for work,watered the plants that are dying on the porch, and checked the mail. So the big question is what to do next? I think I will sit he and think about it. Deanna and the kids are gone, very quite. I think this is what I need! I was wondering what BB is doing no internet, I don't have anything to laugh about. I sure do miss it when Dad is not writing. He gives me something to look forward to.

I will be returning to work tomorrow. I was moved out of my work area and now I am down in our Mental health area, which is also an extension of our infirmary. It is quite at times down there. You know dealing with people that are Mental health they can be problem-ma tic. We have a fellow that got rearrested on a failure to appear(FTA), he makes me laugh, he said that he was in 5 hospitals , then it was 8 and then it was 6, I was wondering why. Then he tells me everyday that he needs to get out. LOL. On the other side of the unit we have another that just wants out. He can't stay out of jail. He thinks that peeing on buildings is ok. All these guys make me laugh, then we have the shims. You tell me!

I have been wondering what I would write about. Well this is all I have right now.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Where has time gone...

I did not realize that I haven't said anything in a while. Well I will try to catch everyone up. I've been busy. It seemed as if the days i was off, I was working on something. Now let me tell you this, I haven't even read any post from my blogging friends lately either. I got off to a running start and kinda stalled. Well i can not let yall down. I will do my best to stay with this.

As everyone knows I did good at the range. I will be staying on with the Dogs (blood hounds). I am trying to find someone with the supervisors manual so i can start studying for the Sergeants test. I found out that, the supervisors over the Dogs are going to be retiring within the next 2 years, so I need to promote to fill the shoes. I hope that everything works out so I can be all I can be (Army). You know the Sheriff can use a Few Good Men (USMC). Now I feel better I included the branch that meant the most in my life.

Well i have to go replace a water pump for a friend I will be back later to see if anyone is reading my stuff.

Well I got that water pump in and replaced the thermostat, we no JOY still isn't blowing hot air. I am thinking that the heater core is clogged up. Just got off the phone with the owner of the truck, he is flabbergasted not sure either. Does anyone have a ford truck, that is a bear. I HATE fords. I have a friend that had a similar problem and i flushed the heater core and that fixed it for a while. maybe ill try his. Well me talking about it won't fix it so better go.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fun and Games...

Today, I had to go to the range (pistol). Well let me tell ya. It was kinda raining this morning when I left. When i got to the range it was bone dry (Thanks Lord). I didn't have to pull out the rain jacket (have you ever tried to shoot a gun in a rain jacket). Man it got be-u-ti-ful, it was a light overcast, and clearing not hot. So I'm in the second group and I get to the firing line, I gets right up there and I get the order to fire, what I didn't hit the target. I seek out the next and bang did I hit the target. so's i go through the rest of the sequence and I score me a 84.3 or an 87.4 don't remember. I startsa kickin myself and i calm myself down. I get ready for the next one, man i hit the target, and i scores me a 96.7 now thats what I'm talking about. Now I go and do another round and I shoot me a 91.3 yes I did it. Now let me tell ya. I was told that I had to shot 90's or better to stay on our Dog team. So i went out there and I preformed just like a machine ( not a well oiled machine). But none the less a machine. Then we did a shotgun Coarse and i did well. Now the fun began, I had to do the fast and dead drills. Move and shot turning targets, boy let me tell ya, makes you think, am I good enough, well hecks no that target turned and disappeared, Didn't even get my gun out, was I slow, well heck no. No the instructor was just fast on the button. Bam it was over. I did manage to get the rounds off, But let me tell ya, that will make you think, crap goes down fast. The moral of this drill was to let ya know you are or might get shot and don't give up until you eliminate your threat. I did have my eye opening today.

Well I am going to have to be going...
talk at ya's later.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Phone call zero dark 30 ....

I was asleep at 05:28 am, when the phone started ringing. I picked up my phone. I looked, and looked again, i tried to answer it, stupid phone was fubar for a moment. I recognized the number. That's the Jail. I called it back, it was Sgt. Craft. Sgt. C advised me that there was a missing persons call ( 1 year old). He asked if I wanted to get involved with the call out. Well heck ya, it's a child.  I got up and found a pen and paper for the ron-da-vue point. I got up and and made me some coffee, and got ready for a shower. Sgt c called me back and said to 10-23 (stand by). He called me again and told me to 10-22 (stand down)at 05:35, they called it off. I didn't get the word that they found the child, But I sure hope they did.

Last night I got a call from Robert, His trailer blew a tire. His spare was 53 miles away. I had just sat down for diner and ordered my grub. He asked if I could come and meet him exchange my trailer for his and bring his trailer back to his house. I eats my grub and head to Roberts house. I get there ( it was dark) couldn't find any thing. Finally located all the stuff and on the road I went. 53 miles later I located Robert and the gang he had with him ( at the Wal-Mart). We started exchanging all the stuff from his trailer to mine. Got all that done. Now put the spare tire on, Flat spare tire. Puts some fix-a-flat in that tire. Now exchange the trailers. I pull off and straight to the Quck-trip Gas station, put some air in the tire and looks good. get me some coffee and down the road I go. Oh ya the lights were going crazy. I get 10 miles heading home, pull over check the tire and I had a spare 7 pin cannon plug to 4 way. I puts the new one in and wallah the lights are good now. I get that trailer to Roberts house and drop it and to my house 11:43 I'm  done. off to bed.

Now I'm on my way to the deck I hope that i finish today. Wish me luck.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Good morning,
I know I haven't been on for a few days. I have been busy. I still have to get that sun room on the deck finished and I want to go to the hunting camp, but only I can have one thing and that is the sun room.

So i want to know how every one is doing. I read dads yesterday, and dang bus is broke. hire some one to crawl under there and fix. remember your age. I believe that you posted, that you have had bad nights.I think crawling under the bus will do you in if you are not careful.

ok I need to be going. laters.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I was talking (writing) with Hobo Joe. He stated that this could kill ya if you let it run your life. I will tell you this, there is not a day that I don't check it and or read others blog. I sure do enjoy reading BB's , Hobo and Trouble.
They make me laugh and ponder things.
Well I have to get ready to go work on that deck i've been working on i got so much done on it yesterday now all i have left is to set the door , rest of windows, trim and siding. I think 1/2 day today and 1/2 day Saturday. Wish me luck.

Little bill piep

Monday, September 12, 2011


I have be putting it out there about Sgt. Shooter on Facebook. I posted a joke  (rummer) about him getting married. Man let me tell ya I got attacked by two women. But first let me say after I posted the original comment I posted a second stating it was a JOKE. I suppose the two women that got their Drawers in a super tight, can't read. I did not get the response that a few of us at the S.O. was looking for. All we got was the opinion of one that should not be on there talking about rummers' (little miss home wrecker). I had to start a whole new post to get some other crap started about a date that a few of us at the S.O. had discussed with Sgt. Shooter. Boy I sure was glad that them two women stayed away that time. Now last night I did some of the same stuff, still waiting on the out come.

Now on to someone else at the S.O.  Deputy Tighe is growing a mustache, he stated that he felt like he looked a little like Tom Selleck. Well he should have not done that. His new nick name is Magnum P Tighe. Well I had to go further than that, you see Magnum P Tighe works in Intake ( that is where all the a$$ beatings happen LOL ) and there is the rest of the cast from the show. You see the is Higgy baby - Sgt. P (Goat Killer) , Rick the Prick - McCracken , and TC - Schoultz. Now if we had 3 women down there i would come up with Charlies not so Angles. But for now I will stick with the Magnum P Tighe crew.

Well (dad can I start a paragraph with well) I was talking to Magnum and boy let me tell ya, He said that he was brewing one up for me. Man it better be good. If he comes at me with something other than good, I will just have to look at other stuff that will be the blunt of my jokery. Magnum said that he had someone working on this for him, and man am I scared. Goat Killer told this hired hand (Magnums friend) before that he was relived of Duty for some of his works of Jokery. This worries me, if the hired hand can be relived of duty for his jokery then it is pretty good. But i will say that Magnum is not doing it on his own, so my question is, is it really magnums shot across the Bow.

I will be back later. I have to go finish this Deck that I started. wish me luck.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Just sayin

just sayin...
Today was like the rest at the Jail. I did what I do.  But other than that Nothing eventful.
Now let me tell you. I was able to sit for a few minutes and oh boy did I laugh at dads day (Billy Bob). That critter scared the crap out of him, don't be fooled he went and cleaned them shorts. An alligator in Texas. I think he was hoping for some thing like that. He makes me laugh, I almost couldn't contain myself. Funny Funny Funny
Well time to go. I'm ready for bed.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Still working on it....

I just want to say...
I don't have this Bloging thing figured out. It looks like Billy Bob has it figured out. Now all we have to do is pull it from him (his knowledge). I finally got this where, I could look at the ones I follow, without going to dear ole dads blog. I appreciate all the comments and help that everyone has given me.  I am going to figure out how to post a picture some time in the future.

Well I need to be going for now....

I went out and climbed that ladder, right up to the top of a gutter. Boy do I hate ladders and heights.  The gutter was clear and all i figure is that the downspout hat deb re in it. So i told the lady that called me to check on her water intrusion, that I could not find anything that would cause water to enter into her house. Checked the attic and there was no wet spots at the roof . Only thing I can think of is that the down spout had leaves in it causing it to back up. No rain for a while and the spout could have filled up with leaves, causing it to back up, with enough water pressure on it washed it clean. Any thoughts?

Well i will be back laters to see your answers. Now I am sure that ole Billy bob has me an answer. I will be checking in with him later.

Now theres me Right smack in the middle. That was the day they allowed me to carry the pea shooter i carry today. They even gave me one of those Barney bullets for my right breast pocket.

I figured it out all on my own how to post a picture, WOW.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Off day

Today is an off day. I was so needing to be off today. After working 7 straight days ,I am tired. I am still giving this Blog thing a go, I find it fun and I find that the people that I read are entertaining. I think that this is the best thing sense sliced bread. I am happy to be getting to know everyone. I hope that I say or do something to make you laugh, or just say WOW.  I owe this all to Billy Bobs blog, who by now if you haven't figured out is my dad. He makes me and others laugh. Oh by the way I am sharing with my partners in the Jail, the blogs and we are having better than Readers Digest, reading.

Well I need to be going for now I hope that I can Come back and give an update on the day.

well I did nothin the rest of the day. I went and looked at another job, need me a big ol ladder. I have to go pick one up tonight. I will have to take the trailer to carry it, too long for the truck.

well I will call it night now, talk to ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Words from me pappy

Well apparently I didn't do it right. Dad sent me a message (not in a bottle) and said that I didn't spell check and i don't know where to use a period.

Well Dad a year or so ago every word and line did not have a comma or a period or any of that stuff that is to go in a sentence. I am a work in progress. I do appreciate all the help that up give and I would not trade for a minute.

Now Jail, boy I'll tell you what a busy morning. No rest , had just about all the nurses I can handle.
Other than that nothing to report.

back at you later

Monday, September 5, 2011

Man am I tired...

Back to work... (the jail) Today started just like the rest darn holidays. They SUCK. Croft and I are having to work ,instead of being with the family. That is what we signed up for. I want to give a shout out to ole Billy Bob mad Croft almost pee himself, cause he couldn't have that taquito.

Sittin here at "da office" thinkin of what we are going to eat. Croft is heading out to the store...think we are gettting yard bird in a bucket and tater salad.

Man I worked the ole tail off this weekend... Built that deck, put the roof on in the rain. worked two (2) part times. and man is my back and knees hurting, brain is exhausted of thinking. Now that I am back to work fighting sleep deprivation. I will have to fight a few more hours of work then I can go home to the wife and kids, eat me some diner and the off to bed. Shoot i forgot that new episode of American Choppers is coming on. No rest for the weary...I need a DVR.

Well its time to go find something to do...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Off today.... 9-2-2011

No jail work on this day (I am 10-35). I will be working on a deck today. it is a big one, I hope that i get it finished today.

I will be working a part time tonight (foooseball game). I will be tired tonight and back at it tomorrow. I will let you know later.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 2 looks ordinary...

This day started out just like yesterday. Oh but did it get better. Croft was in the dorm, when someone got rowdy (only when a Deputy is around, is when people are 10 foot tall and bullet proof). Croft was escorting the person out, when he felt 10 foot tall. Miller stepped in and 10 foot felt the urge to spin and fist up. WOW out of no where my hero Sgt. Shooter yelled Tazer,Tazer,Tazer. Man did 10 foot get taken to his original size of 6 foot. Now we as Deputies can't give a beat down, so we used the force that is necessary. I think when you are asked to do something, it MIGHT be in your best interest to do so.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to work day 1 8-31-2011

This day started as any other. We are full, the other shift hasn't done anything. LOL this is buisness as usual. So far we have moved 28 people to other parts of the Jail. We have taken in about 9. We have to keep up with our moves so we can say at the end of the day we know how many people we have. Croft (my partner, Brett) has taken over on the paper work. I am so thankful that I have the very best that the Sheriff's office has.
This will be a run on blog.
Today was long... we made it through another day. There was no schnanagans (as Lt. Holtzclaw would say).
Other than that we all going home the same way we came.
until tomorrow

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No Work Today #2

Today i got up and OMG my back is hurting. All i can say to that is Thank you Lord I was able to get up.
I wont be writing about Jail today. I am OFF. Tomorrow I will be back at it, so i will post then. I woke this morning thinking how I was going to do this. I have decided that I will write the stuff I can and will not post the stuff I can't. I will have to change the identifiers of anyone that I talk about. I think that this will be fun, if i can keep it up.
Does anyone know how to change the time on here. I'm not sure how too. If i figure this stuff out I will
be great.
I figured it out. all these tabs and buttons there it was. got it. 

Monday, August 29, 2011