Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Where has time gone...

I did not realize that I haven't said anything in a while. Well I will try to catch everyone up. I've been busy. It seemed as if the days i was off, I was working on something. Now let me tell you this, I haven't even read any post from my blogging friends lately either. I got off to a running start and kinda stalled. Well i can not let yall down. I will do my best to stay with this.

As everyone knows I did good at the range. I will be staying on with the Dogs (blood hounds). I am trying to find someone with the supervisors manual so i can start studying for the Sergeants test. I found out that, the supervisors over the Dogs are going to be retiring within the next 2 years, so I need to promote to fill the shoes. I hope that everything works out so I can be all I can be (Army). You know the Sheriff can use a Few Good Men (USMC). Now I feel better I included the branch that meant the most in my life.

Well i have to go replace a water pump for a friend I will be back later to see if anyone is reading my stuff.

Well I got that water pump in and replaced the thermostat, we no JOY still isn't blowing hot air. I am thinking that the heater core is clogged up. Just got off the phone with the owner of the truck, he is flabbergasted not sure either. Does anyone have a ford truck, that is a bear. I HATE fords. I have a friend that had a similar problem and i flushed the heater core and that fixed it for a while. maybe ill try his. Well me talking about it won't fix it so better go.

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